: : Magenta, Again : :

I was bringing around a KL tourist, treating him to a nice dinner and all. Apparently, he’s here with a whole bunch of people from the same college on a 3 day tour of places in Kuching.

Since he was into architecture and interior design (so-so lah, according to him), I wanted to take him to The Junk. Unfortunately, it’s close today so I took him to Magenta instead.

He ordered this : Grilled Salmon which came with potato ragout and salsa on the side. I’ve always love the food presentation at this restaurant and it’s always so eye-catching.

I ordered the Chilean seabass which came grilled. It tasted really good : tender and juicy. Same side dishes as the salmon except that the decorative orange sauce had some sumboi @ plum powder mixed with it. Now that tasted different, very different.

We had a delicious fruity Riesling wine, the Royal Bleu Rheinhissen, 2001. It was a sweet and fruity white wine made from wineyards in Germany. I’m pretty sure it’s this one that we drank tonite but it was definitely NOT priced as high as that. The wine was RM78 (USD20.50, &#163 11).

Who was the Kuching city tourist?


After that, it was desserts and coffee at bing! He’s off tomorrow to check out the Sarawak Cultural Village with the rest of the group. Now, hopefully, it doesn’t rain too hard in the afternoon. According to him, part of the group were grumbling about having to bring raincoats and yet it didn’t rain today. They’re lucky. It’s been raining cats and dogs every day for the past few weeks with turbulent winds with thunder and lightning. Let’s see what tomorrow brings for this group.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.