: : Southern Bakery : :

Speaking to a friend online over the weekend, reminded me that the Mooncake Festival was just around the corner. So, on my way back home, took a long detour to Southern Bakery to grab some mooncakes.

Think I spend over 30 minutes selecting what mooncakes to buy, making phone calls to Granny and then to friends and family on what they would like to have. At Southern Bakery, they were also having a promotion whereby one is entitled to a RM5 (USD1.31) voucher for every RM30 (USD7.89) spent. Suffice to say that I went a bit overboard and bought a lot of goodies for friends and family.

I like the box more than the tin or the mooncake.

And the invidual tins here were so cute. The colour didn’t come out so well although the theme seem to be dating back to 1930s era.

Ok, so I went a little bit overboard. I would be stone broke if I bought mooncake for all my friends and relatives around the world!

Granny : Haiya! Why you buy so early one? Mooncake day only on 28 September lah! Doh!

: : 47 Years of Merdeka : :

It’s been a relaxing day today and I woke up late as usual on a non-working day. It’s been a nice break, having not to update any postings for the past one month. However, I do miss doing it so much seriously get into the habit of doing it again.

Woke up this morning to any interesting picture in the newspaper. So, I went out to the nearest Shell station and bought myself a bottle.

Nice black and red design. I bought about 10 bottles to pass to some friends. My only peeve is that it’s made out of glass which made carrying 10 bottles really troublesome. Would have been nice to have one made out of hard plastic but at the price of RM1 @ USD0.26, I shouldn’t be complaining too much. However, didn’t know that I was only limited to buying only 2 bottles. The ladies at the petrol station didn’t stop me so oh well.

Anyway, I’m back. Probably a bit more dull but hopefully refresh after a nice long break away from blogging. And my streamyx connection has more or less returned back to it’s usual speed. Hope it lasts!

Also, Happy Merdeka Day everyone!


Hi all! Sorry for the late of updates. Streamyx connection has been really slow for the past few weeks and the blue screen is a frequent friend as well. Grrr… Seems like the whole housing area is affected. Hopefully, it’ll get better soon. Got some pics to put up but haven’t problems uploading on.

Till then, cheerio!

: : Big Fish : :

They were caught by Uncle Cyril last Sunday. Huge mackerels, aren’t they? Each about 1.5 m big and weighing over 10 kg! As heavy as a bag of rice.

Now, we have enough fish to last us for more than a month! How to finish ah?

: : MIA  ~ Updated : :

Ok, so I have been missing in action for quite a while. Needed a break from having to blog about food for awhile. Also, Granny just had her 2nd cataract operation last week so is now recuperating. Mind you, she’s still as feisty as ever before, if not more. She’s so happy that the operation is now all over that she can now get on with living life to the fullest. Not to mention that her vision have greatly improved so much.

However, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been taking pictures. My camera is now so full that I need to download it into the computer tonight. Loads of food pics there to be enjoyed.

I will be back.

(although, not like Arnie, mind you).

Little note : Next month is August, you know i.e. the great Kuching Food Fest is on again! Yay! See you guys there. Held on 1 – 31 August 2004. Time for me and Granny to go on an adventure run. Wheee!!!

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.