: : Hanging out with Dad : :

Dad : Back when I was still in school, there used to be a club in Kuching that have their own bingo sessions. It was called Lotto then. They used to call out the numbers under a different name. You know, disguises and all that.

Wena : Ok. Like what?

Dad : The one that I distinctly remember was TWO FAT LADIES. It was for the number 88. Another one was TWO LITTLE PUPPIES for the number 22. Two cute little puppied sitting down with their paws up, looking like number 2.

Anyone who grew up in Kuching during 1950s-1960s remember this? I had a good time laughing with my Dad over this.

: : Bananas : :

Maybe my brain has turn into a banana! Blogging for 24 hours. Well, it’s for a good cause and I wanted to see whether I could do it. Ok, so I’m in for a penny, in for a pound.

Oh yeah, picked up my Dad from the airport today and we went to eat dinner at Seoul Garden located at 3rd Mile. Unfortunately, forgot to bring my camera. Ah well.

Dad : At first I thought you’d be too tired to pick me up because thought you’d already started the 24 hour blog thing.

Wena : No lah! That’s on July 24.

Dad : Ah ok! By the way, you have some donations already. About USD100.

Wena : Really?!?

Went to check and through enough, I saw the amount pledge. Wow! So am now officially in. Thanks to May. Woo hoo!

Alright, have already collected pictures for 4 postings. Now, about 20 more postings to prepare for. Am hoping to put up a posting every 1-2 hours. Hopefully will have enough. Must also remember not to fall asleep on the bed.

Tiara also gave me a heads up on the pledge as well. She is blogging at her site for Amnesty International, Malaysian Charter.

Also, another Malaysian blogger, Callista Chuah, is also blogging on the same day. She is blogging to concert funds for the Philharmonic Society of Selangor in aid of the National Stroke Association. The number “killer” in Malaysia is heart related diseases and after that comes road accidents.

So, do sponsor one of us. It need not be me but other bloggers as well.

: : project blog 2004 : :

It started with a question from Gette on who was going to blog for 24 hours. So I thought, why not? I missed out on the 2003 Blogathon.

The charity that I’m supporting for 24 hours on July 24, 2004, is Mercy Malaysia. They are a team of volunteers, mostly medical personnel, who provide medical relief to people both within and outside of Malaysia. Their most recent expedition is to the interiors of Sarawak where medical aid is very hard to come by. I remember growing up listening to radio announcements on the flying doctor service. Then there was the Australian series on Flying Doctors in the bushland. Anyway, there are people always in need of medical aid, be it in the form of donations or volunteers.

The date is 24 July 2004, starting 8 a.m. Eastern time. That translates to 24 July 9 p.m. So, hmm… methinks have to take leave on 26 July to catch up on some sleep as the time duration finishes on 25 July 9 p.m. Wena is going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO groggy.

If you want to make a donation, you can do so at the project-blog website. However, you will need to have an account there before committing an amount to be sponsored. Read the FAQ here for more information.

As for making the donations, if you feel like sponsoring me, do make an account at this site. Once the event is over, I will nag remind you to make the donation to Mercy Malaysia. You can even donate to them online at their Donation Page.

Right, I’m off to prepare for 24 food dishes for the event. Hopefully I’ll have enough photos by then!

On another note, you may want to check out what Pimms is doing. She has a charity drive going on. More details are at her site so please do drop by.

: : project blog 2004 : :

It started with a question from Gette on who was going to blog for 24 hours. So I thought, why not? I missed out on the 2003 Blogathon.

The charity that I’m supporting for 24 hours on July 24, 2004, is Mercy Malaysia. They are a team of volunteers, mostly medical personnel, who provide medical relief to people both within and outside of Malaysia. Their most recent expedition is to the interiors of Sarawak where medical aid is very hard to come by. I remember growing up listening to radio announcements on the flying doctor service. Then there was the Australian series on Flying Doctors in the bushland. Anyway, there are people always in need of medical aid, be it in the form of donations or volunteers.

The date is 24 July 2004, starting 8 a.m. Eastern time. That translates to 24 July 9 p.m. So, hmm… methinks have to take leave on 26 July to catch up on some sleep as the time duration finishes on 25 July 9 p.m. Wena is going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO groggy.

If you want to make a donation, you can do so at the project-blog website. However, you will need to have an account there before committing an amount to be sponsored. Read the FAQ here for more information.

As for making the donations, if you feel like sponsoring me, do make an account at this site. Once the event is over, I will nag remind you to make the donation to Mercy Malaysia. You can even donate to them online at their Donation Page.

Right, I’m off to prepare for 24 food dishes for the event. Hopefully I’ll have enough photos by then!

On another note, you may want to check out what Pimms is doing. She has a charity drive going on. More details are at her site so please do drop by.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.