: : The Junk : :

Once in a while, one finds a very nice colourful and tasty salad.

Hence, the mango chicken salad at the Junk is truly, seriously, delicious! Not to mention the colour is attractive. Makes healthy eating go down a long ways.

(For meat eaters, stop cringing!)

: : I spy with my little eye something beginning with R : :

…and, it was a little red rose amongst all the delicious layered cake.

Delicious, isn’t it? The layered cake is a firm favourite amongst many although these days it’s getting a little bit too oily for me. Too much butter, I guess. But, the ones that you see above were just nice.

Leftover pictures from the Gawai celebrations.

: : I spy with my little eye something beginning with R : :

…and, it was a little red rose amongst all the delicious layered cake.

Delicious, isn’t it? The layered cake is a firm favourite amongst many although these days it’s getting a little bit too oily for me. Too much butter, I guess. But, the ones that you see above were just nice.

Leftover pictures from the Gawai celebrations.

: : Seattle Coffee : :

It was a bright and cheery late afternoon when I met up with my old supervisor. She was in for a flying visit and a few of us caught up with her last Wednesday at Seattle Coffee located at the Merdeka Palace Hotel. There were a lot of tempting delicacies all around. Believe me, it was hard to control my diet then. Some photos of the sweet and savoury bites.

It was an afternoon of laughter as we all caught up with one another.

: : Chilli Peppers : :

It’s been awhile since I last ate here. Had a very late lunch with Min Yen and Leslie a.k.a. Sorceress.

Such a pretty dish, no? This is mee jawa. The one ingredient that makes the mee tastes good is the sauce. I’m not sure how to make it except that it tastes really nice. No, I did not have this but Min Yen did.

Two tempting bowls of ais kacang. One is ABC i.e. everything in it and the other is jagung i.e. just with corn. And I remember two old chaps from Texas complaining about this drink with corn inside it. It’s an Asian thing, ya know.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.