: : Finally!! : :

Managed to get the comments portion to work for each posting. Sorry about all the inconvenience, folks. The Blogger Help page on comments wasn’t that easy to understand and I had to go and find out what the heck the tag meant. Headaches only.

Anyway, it’s working fine now and I’m off to have some tuak and fine food today at friend’s house.

Happy Gawai everyone!

p.s. The huge Gawai Open House this year is held in Miri on June 12.

: : Finally!! : :

Managed to get the comments portion to work for each posting. Sorry about all the inconvenience, folks. The Blogger Help page on comments wasn’t that easy to understand and I had to go and find out what the heck the tag meant. Headaches only.

Anyway, it’s working fine now and I’m off to have some tuak and fine food today at friend’s house.

Happy Gawai everyone!

p.s. The huge Gawai Open House this year is held in Miri on June 12.

: : Comments ~ Continuation : :

Hmm… it looks like the Comments Portion for Blogger is not exactly that easy to use. So, am trying again. Apparently it comes on after a new posting. But now, it takes a longer time to post. Sigh.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.