: : Waste Not, Want Not : :

One thing about us Chinese folks is that we would eat nearly all parts of a pig. Like this soup of tripe. What is tripe? It’s part of the stomach lining which is soft and chewy but not tough that you cannot bite into it. It’s easy to cook it as a soup but one needs to cook it with black peppercorns. It would also take a long time to cook so one needs to put the pot under a slow fire. The picture was taken last year during one of the lunch outings.

The problem with cooking pork tripe is that one would have to get it from a Chinese butcher who would have already treated the tripe such that one doesn’t need to prepare it before cooking. Granny’s gone to bed already so couldn’t ask her how it’s done. All I remembered was that it involved alot of washing and squeezing out the water. There’s probably something added into it to ‘clean’ the tripe but offhand, I can’t remember what it’s suppose to be.

But, it’s still a very yummy dish. Granny sometimes cooks it at home with some chicken or pork meat to add to the flavour of the soup. Yum!

: : Juicy : :

Ah! Haven’t had this in a long long while. Let’s see, it’s been 4-6 months now since I had a sweet tasting watermelon. I’ve not hit the craving stage yet so so far so good. Other than cheating on fried ice-cream and sushi over the weekend.

Seriously have to take more food pictures. My archive of unused pictures is getting used up pretty fast these days. On another note, Blogger got a new facelift and I’m impress. Very very nice.

Tomorrow is another day so this little gal is off to have a bit of rest. Cheerio folks and have a great week ahead!

: : Kuching Bloggers Meet ~ Hot Seat : :

Well, made it to the Bloggers Meet today at Hot Seat. Unfortunately, I didn’t set the settings properly on the camera so most the pictures came out overexpose. Well, Huai Bin also took all the food pics so check out his site for updates later. I could only salvage two pictures so here they are :

Because there was no more peanut sauce, the chef(s) came up with this great satay mix and it was so delicious. I don’t know what is in it other than marinated satay but it was fabulous. I had one of this on top of my chicken chop. Fina had it as well. Huai Bin ate 3 dishes and this was one of them. That dude can really really eat.

A meal ordered by Dee’s friend, OO. Well, it was lamb with pasta with a great tomato sauce. It was seriously very very nice. But, by then, I had already finish my meal, including the famous fried ice-cream with chocolate sauce.

Yes, I broke my diet today by eating fried ice-cream. I just couldn’t resist because it was so tempting. Everyone had a plate of it except for Mac, I think. Believe me, it was seriously great. The ice-cream was still very cold and firm, smothered completely in chocolate sauce.

Who else was there? Well, there was Aida, Lizzy, Joyce and Gette. Also, Melvin joined us later on as he was in town.

We were all very satisfied with the meal and had to sit down for a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGG while to digest everything. I left early at about 10 p.m. to get some quick rest.

Darn, the ice-cream is not sitting too well in my stomach. Suffering from a sugar high at the moment. So, cheerio until tomorrow then.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.