My bookshelf

For 2009, I read a lot of books on getting my health together and learning more about high blood pressure as well as lifestyle effects on it.

So this is what is in my bookshelf. It’s not a lot of books listed as some are locally printed books from Malaysia.

In any case, do enjoy perusing it. 🙂 There is also a link to this store on the sidebar to the right. Just scroll down a wee bit and you should find it.

Step-by-Step Drop on the Chart

One thing that I frequently had to remind myself as I went out throughout 2009 was that it was a step at a time. That I wasn’t to hope for a miracle drop in weightloss. That there will be uphills and downhills as I went on this journey.

So the key tool that help me to monitor the weightloss (and manage my moodswings when things didn’t go well) was my scale. I remembered going out during a Sunday on the same week I got diagnosed with high blood pressure and bought a digital scale. I also made the affirmanation that I will be steadfast in my goal to reach my ideal weight, no matter how long it took but that I aim to lose 1 kg a week. That I was going to be brave enough to tell people how much I weigh and that nothing will dedract me from my goal, even if it meant having to put up with a lot of people’s comments.


*Click on the chart for bigger picture.

It’s been now 10 months since I started. And there has been big mountains and I mean gigantic mountains. But I found that as soon as I went back onto the right track, everything came down again very very easily.

My new goal is to lose another 15kg by 1 Feb 2010 so that I can get off the high blood pressure medication the next time I see my cardiologist. It’s annoying having to swallow a little white pill all the time. But I’m definitely going to make it.

Why? Because I want to. 🙂

Weight Loss Tip : Stand up!

Amazing as this may sound, one of the major weight loss impact throughout my journey this year, has been the fact that I’m standing up a lot more than I used to. Before I had my slipped disc re-injury, I was sitting down a lot and that included slouching my shoulders.


This is my current setup at home with my 15″ laptop. A lot of people had something to say about it. Like it’s too high or too far away from my eyes that I have to squint. I actually don’t have to squint at all since I always did make sure that my specs were always the correct prescription. So it’s not so bad. 🙂 At the same time, my eyes got the necessary rest away from the monitor so that helps too.

Since I started standing up when using the laptop, my body has become smaller. It takes a lot more energy to stand up for 2 hours than it is to sit down for 2 hours. Plus, it helps my back by putting less pressure on the herniated disc that I can now stand for long hours with no problems. Of course, proper shoes also helps a lot.

I have a similar setup at the office where my standing workstation helps to reduce the pressure on the spine, especially the discs pressure. It’s interesting to be working while standing and I do get a lot of feedback from people. But ergonomically, it is definitely more friendly than sitting down for 8 hours. And trust me, I became smaller. 🙂 That was definitely a plus.

Comments Hell and what nots

Ok, it looks like the comments hell spam is over for awhile. I can’t believe just a simple word like “sale” and “sell” is enough to attract the Russian bots and pill-ad-pushers into the blog.

In any event, all comments are closed after a week. If you wish to post, probably best to rush it within 7 days of the last blog post. Else, there’s no chance.

At the moment, I’m evaluating moving out from under the care of Mr. Tucks and into a dedicate account. Need to check up on a few things and then start planning.

At least now the ads are working. Hopefully it’s not too intrusive.

Projects at hand are an eBook as well as various other stuff to do. Work work work…

Coming to the end of 2009

It has been a long and busy year filled with ups and downs. So I wanted to share with you the fruits of my labour. And goodness, it was labourious.

Tada! The next update would be Christmas Party dinners, I should think. 🙂


Oh, one thing about comments. It’s a total mess at the moment because of the amount of spam that is coming through. Until Mr. Tucks is back from holidays, I don’t think there would be any change to the situation. So if I had accidentally deleted your comment or didn’t let it through, it’s because of the other 1,000+ spam comments. Can’t believe that Russians buy a lot of stuff just by reading spam online.

Healing isn’t easy and takes time

If I knew a year ago what I knew today, I wouldn’t be in the situation where I had to do a lot of healing and confrontation. But as with all things positive, one should be determine enough to take one step forward.

So that’s where I find myself today. It’s a pretty scary though and yet at the same time, releasing. I never would have imagine I would be a person who would have knowingly trapped myself in my mind of problems and letting it plague me to the point where it took control of my life.

Now it’s getting better and each day, it’s a step at a time. Painful? Of course. Rewarding? You bet. Happy? That’s the final goal and outcome. And truly, I can say that I am probably at the happiest time of my life at the moment. 🙂

There is something to be said about making oneself bigger than the problems one faces to get over it. Don’t get caught in the mire of those pesky negative thoughts and just move on.

Live to Eat or Eat to Live? That is the question.