: : Birthday : :
Forgot to mention that collegues at work celebrated my bday with me. Sponsored a tiramisu cake! Feel very special. Pity that there weren’t any alcohol in it. Auntie M’s tiramisu does and it’s absolutely marvellous! *Dreamy sigh*.
: : Birthday : :
Forgot to mention that collegues at work celebrated my bday with me. Sponsored a tiramisu cake! Feel very special. Pity that there weren’t any alcohol in it. Auntie M’s tiramisu does and it’s absolutely marvellous! *Dreamy sigh*.
: : Granny’s Cooking : :
Dinner always look good when one is hungry after a long day at work, even if it’s a no frills dinner.
Stir-fried Ketola
Stir-fried Mushroom Chicken
Stif-fried Tom Yau
Stir-fried Ketola
The uncooked veggie looks a bit peculiar. Very hard to describe. A picture tells a million stories but yours truly hasn’t yet begun to dig through the fridge to take pictures of vegetables yet. It’s a very soft veggie but very sweet. Always cook with egg. Very watery though. Comes from the veggie alone.
Stir-fried Mushroom Chicken
The stir-fried version of chicken with mushrooms. A bit oily from the cooking oil. Granny just stir-fried with onions. A pity that no straw mushrooms were added in. Or the black mushrooms. Oh well. Beggars can’t be choosers.
Stir-fried Tom Yau
Granny : English name? Soya bean plant.
Uncle Cyril : No lah! Another version of alfafa sprout!
Granny : No lah! Bean plant! Looks like green bean plant!
Uncle Cyril : Hmm… more like soya bean plant.
Oh well. Local name is tom yau. Slightly crunchy and very chewy. Good for digestion, etc., etc.,etc. Sometimes cook with white rice wine (Chinese version). My favourite.
: : Moving website : :
Yay!! Mr. T and Lol got the website working!! Will be moving hosts over the weekend. Massive move though. Will take time to move all the pictures over. Blogger doesn’t allow for file upload on websites outside their own. Cheh!
: : Granny’s Cooking : :
Steamed fish!!! With strips of garlic, chillies and chop garlic. Pity that she didn’t put any salted vegetables inside. That would have been really nice.
Picture was a bit messy ‘coz I came back late from work and Uncle Cyril wallop part of it already.
: : Chilli Peppers : :
Went back to Chilli Peppers for lunch again. The only different addition was the otak-otak patties. It’s actually grilled mashed fish wrapped out in leaves. However, we had the burger version minus the burgers. Tasted really good.
: : Snacks : :
Got disconnected while uploading this post. Urgh!
Anyway, Granny got some snacks over the weekend. Was munching on them while preparing this post.
Phong Pia
This is an excellent pastry. The filling is a sweet green-bean paste. Yep, the famous green beans that you-must-eat-else-you’ll-kill-by-midnight. This one was brilliant : paste was not too sweet and the pastry was not too salty. Note that the pastry crumbles easily so need to eat it with a plate.
Love Letters
This version does not have any designs on them. Love letters is very sweet and crunchy. Found in abundance during festivals but you can still find it at the market or small grocery stalls. It is made by pouring some batter onto a pair of metal plates welded onto a pair of tongs. The metal plates are pressed tightly together and then heated over a small fire. Once the batter is cook, the round layer is quickly rolled up to the shape above.