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    ...Blogging Income...

    I'm still looking into this and it's an interesting concept.

    Calculation of visitor's worth. Then, maximising the value.

    Very interesting indeed. Wouldn't mind the extra money.

    Posted at 11:16 PM. Permalink |

    ...Isn't it ironic?...

    Reading jikon's blog, thought I'd just pop by and see what Cainer has to say about crabby me. Haven't visited Cainer's in ages.

    You are full of ideas, at least some of which are rather brilliant. The trouble is, the best of these involve dropping a plan you are some way towards completing and directing your energy, instead, along very different lines. If things go wrong, you fear you could lose not only the new race but the one you think you have almost won. Ignore this fear. You are not changing horses in midstream. You are just leaving one that doesn't yet want to drink till it gets thirsty in its own time. And meanwhile, you are going where success can be found.

    Wah! Suddenly, I feel a lot better.

    Posted at 10:13 PM. Permalink |


    What am I thinking? Nothing much actually. After such a stressful 2 weeks, this weekend was a welcoming event for me. A time to just relax and not think about work. Catching up with some blog reading and also researching a little bit on what to put online at mum-mum's. Also trying to fine tune the site and add more stuff to it.

    Have just recently added in an RSS feed to it although am not sure how well it will work. Picolo posted some suggestions on destressing myself but easier said then done. Thanks anyway. Really appreciated the thought. I know all the suggestions very well and it has been implanted into my brain cells for all time but it's just my heart that travels down the road of the illogical. Grrr....

    Had dinner with friends and tried very hard not to talk about work. It's not easy that's for sure. Still ended talking about work but at least I tried to avoid it.

    I can hear Pascale saying 'Wena, you're doing it again. You're being too hard on yourself.' Where would I be without her to perk me up everyday at the office?

    Posted at 12:48 AM. Permalink |


    I've been lazy to actually write something in this blog. Hence, all the quizzes lately that I've posted up.

    There have been some topics which I thought I would blog about but just feeling too distracted to write about it. Or maybe it's because I've come to a point where I'm wondering why I'm like this.

    I'm a worrier and because of that, I tend to be, at times, extremely pessismistic about my capabilities. I panic. I prepare like mad. I talk to friends and family endlessly. I can't sleep. I can't eat. But in the end, the efforts paid off.


    Posted at 4:12 PM. Permalink |


    What's your sexual appeal?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    via Niki

    Gosh! Unbelieavably and undeniably accurate... :p
    Posted at 10:44 PM. Permalink |


    Okay, my brain has decided to unwind itself from the mess that it got itself into from all the worry and fear that I've been having since last week.

    Some thoughts that came to mind :

    1. Met my deadline. Now, I have another one.

    2. Perhaps, my trip to the USA might be cancelled due to work commitments. Sigh. Well, we'll see what happens next. Going to try and get the VISA first though.

    3. Earn some money today through Google AdSense. Not a lot but it's okay with me. :) Slowly I guess.

    4. Come up with better graphics for Cafepress mug. Urgh! Seriously have to redo it.

    5. Upload some pictures of Kuching. Hmmm... Gotta re-edit the pictures first though.

    6. Seriously update this blog more. But with what? Hmmm...

    Oh well...

    Need to think think think think...

    Posted at 9:54 PM. Permalink |


    That's how my brain feels right now.

    Just '...'

    How to think?

    I'm stressed.


    Posted at 11:02 PM. Permalink |


    Yeap. Took another one. Now, I'm type three.

    Enneagramfree enneagram test

    kewl eh? :p

    Posted at 7:08 PM. Permalink |

    ...Mythological Creature...

    You are Form 3, Unicorn: The Innocent.

    "And The Unicorn knew she wasn't meant to
    go into the Dark Wood. Disregarding the advice
    given to her by the spirits, Unicorn went
    inside and bled silver blood.. For her
    misdeed, the world knew evil."

    Some examples of the Unicorn Form are Eve
    (Christian) and Pandora (Greek).
    The Unicorn is associated with the concept of
    innocence, the number 3, and the element of
    Her sign is the twilight sun.

    As a member of Form 3, you are a curious
    individual. You are drawn to new things and
    become fascinated with ideas you've never come
    in contact with before. Some people may say
    you are too nosey, but it's only because you
    like getting to the bottom of things and
    solving them. Unicorns are the best friends to
    have because they are inquisitive.

    Which Mythological Form Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    via Mental Jog

    Posted at 1:24 AM. Permalink |


    One day he is there
    The next day he has gone away
    Even his blog gone.

    Brave enough to write
    Firm in his beliefs and views
    Yet very open.

    His flesh is gone today
    But his memory lives on
    For we remember.

    In memory of Johan Ismail of Joe-Blogs. His site has been taken down.
    Posted at 7:57 PM. Permalink |


    I ponder.
    I wonder.
    Why am I doing this?

    After over 20 years of school
    Of teaching and lectures and exams
    Of sweating and cramming.

    Cumulates into late nites.
    Stressed-filled weekends.
    Frantic phonecalls in wee hrs of morning.

    Justify justify justify.
    Finding reasons why why why.
    Cursing hurry hurry hurry.

    Why science?
    Why technology?
    Why engineering?

    Because I wanted to have fun.
    Because I didn't want to feel bored.
    Because I wanted to be like MacGyver.

    And honestly speaking,
    There's never been a dull day.


    Posted at 12:04 AM. Permalink |

    ...Conversation with Sina'...

    'One thing about living in Sarawak, we don't really feel the racial tension.'

    One of the things we talked about during the last few hours before the flight back home to Kuching. What started it off? Can't quite remember. Probably something to do with something we read in the papers. Could have been politics or just racial tension in general.

    In a sense, it is true what she said. Somehow, there isn't this perpetual feeling of being singled out. Everyone speaks to everyone here. Yeah, we do hear comments about people gripping about other races habits or rather, presumed (!!!) practices. Overall, the atmosphere here is more comfortable and somehow, one feels more at ease here.

    Oh... now I remember why we spoke about it. It was to do with being in a comfort zone whereby the news and happenings around the world doesn't seem to affect the population here. People still go about their daily routines but seldom do people get very hyped up about politics and other matters. Sarawak feels so isolated from the rest of the world even though we're 'connected' via the net and TV.

    Ah well. My serious posting in a long while. Even if it doesn't quite make that much sense. I write better when I'm irritated. :p

    Posted at 10:57 PM. Permalink |


    'Ohama means family' - Stitch.

    Whenever I go back home to Miri, I feel that way. Surrounded by family : aunties, uncles, parents, cousins, nieces, nephews. It was fun to go back and just feel the closeness of a huge family.

    I miss that. Having people around all the time to rely on. Makes one feel less lonely. There's always something to do together. Be it a small dinner, huge gathering or just a quiet day at home.

    Not to mention the stuff I do with my parents. Believe it or not, I like hanging out with them. Have now converted Sina' to the new OSIM medic chair (RM14K!!!!). Was trying it out at the airport on the way back to Miri that I nearly missed my flight back.

    Posted at 11:10 PM. Permalink |

    ...Pictures of Kyle & Tidan...

    Promised Sina' to post a picture of Kyle online as no one has seen his picture yet. So, here it is. Ain't he a sweetie pie?

    Looks exactly like Kula. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of the pictures Dad took at the day of the birth. Rushing to pack and mandi and catch the flight.

    And this is Tidan with the slinky. :) Very even-tempered this time.

    Posted at 12:24 AM. Permalink |

    ...dum de dum...






    a e i o u

    with a lisp, of course.

    i know that i have to do things.

    gotta motivate myself first.

    btw, read this blog. nothing artsy but management. i had a good laff. then again, it is lyrical.

    jargon jargon the wicked dragon.

    dum de dum...

    the clock does by so slowly...

    Posted at 6:58 PM. Permalink |

    ...She's gone...

    Had my last 3-hr chit chat with my boss. You know, it's amazing how long we've been having these long long chats. Usually, it occurs during weekends when both of us are hard at work in the office. Scrambling to meet datelines. Solving problems. Laughing at collegues antics.

    Time flies by so fast. We met in 1999 when I joined the company under her and life has never been the same again. This is an amazing lady, joining a company with no relevant experience and eventually becoming a department head of what is a commonly known male-only position within the last 3 years. Not bad leh.

    Sigh. Will miss the rantings and flying remarks. Will miss having someone to tell me off. Will miss having someone to just be myself. Will miss having someone to turn to for advice. Will miss having someone to motivate me to go on.

    Time to stop thinking of me, me, me and just wish her well. So...

    All the best, Vt!

    Posted at 11:40 PM. Permalink |

    ...Things done on Monday...

    What have I done...

    1. Got my ticket back home to Miri this weekend! Woohoo! Going to get so pampered by parents, aunts, uncles and cousins!

    2. There was something else but for the life of me, I just cannot remember what it was. :p

    Posted at 9:56 PM. Permalink |

    ...Making Money via Blogging...

    Makes an interesting read. Now, I'm totally intrigued by the whole idea.

    It first started off with me popping by Ben's Blog and noticing a little PayPal icon. Unfortunately, PayPal doesn't allow payment to accounts in Malaysia.

    Then, I found this site : Cafepress. Then I started thinking of mum-mum merchandising. For the fun of it, of course. There's not enough traffic at that site to warrant a major profit but it will sure make fun gifts. Especially the calendars, mousepads, etc.

    Further surfing landed me at Goldblogger.com. And he's full of ideas on how to make money from one's blog!

    Again, found another one. A lot of reading to do as well as a lot of thinking.

    Posted at 12:11 AM. Permalink |


    It's raining again. Pouring. Soaking. Drenching. Wet.

    Flashes of white. House moving. My bed moved! Twice! Close call.

    It started at about 6 p.m. and hasn't let up since. Flash floods? Maybe.

    Now it's a drizzle but very steady drizzle. The plants will be happy.

    Can you smell the rain? I can.

    Posted at 9:07 PM. Permalink |

    ...Inner Dragon...

    A WHITE Dragon Lies Beneath!

    My inner dragon color is WHITE. Click here to try the Quiz!

    My inner dragon is one of two harmonious dragons (the other is Black). On the inside I am the perfect example of balance, patience, power, and reclusive intelligence. Evil-doers beware; my breath weapon is a combination of fire and lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

    Well, I am a dragon baby after all. Although, I'm the Gold Dragon with the 5 claws.

    So watch out!

    Posted at 6:15 PM. Permalink |


    What is it with drinking some alcohol and sleeplessness?

    I'm sleepy when I'm sitting down at a pub after a few glasses of alcoholic beverages.

    Yet, when I'm home, I need a couple of hours to unwind.

    And I'm still wondering why mum-mum is compared to speaking to parents. Note, no permalink but goto Friday, October 03, 2003, item 7.

    I'm off to try to sleep in the midst of all the drunken sounds of the drunken squatter chaps singing Negaraku at 2 a.m. on a Saturday morning.

    And just found out that Granny forgot to lock the balcony door to my room. Poor thing. Think she was pretty tired today.

    Posted at 2:19 AM. Permalink |

    ...kinky auction...

    I did not expect to find this. Laffing my head off.

    ebay got more than they bargained for. hahaha!

    Found it here through here when checking for daily updates here.
    Posted at 11:25 AM. Permalink |

    ...Fishy wishy...

    I'm changing the fishbowl.

    And soon.
    Posted at 10:11 AM. Permalink |


    Sigh. Why do I work so hard?

    Crazy deadlines.

    Late nites.

    Perpetual headaches.

    Littered tables.

    Paper flying around.


    Sleepless nites.

    Loss of appetite.


    On a good note, Daddy dearest offered to pay half my airfare back to Miri next weekend.

    I need rest. And TLC. And family.

    Maybe I should just be insane.

    Don't have to think about work.

    Or problems.

    Or life.


    Now, that's a thought.

    Another thought is a small tattoo.

    I'm thinking.


    More thinking.


    Posted at 9:57 AM. Permalink |