There once was a gal in Sarawak Who is extremely scared of biawaks Found in most gardens and longkang Bigger than a fly to swat So, gotta get Daddy to remove it, what!
Hmm... tougher to compose than a simple rhyming poem.
Woke up to some mild pain from a bruise that I got on my hip from being less alert after Thursday big event where I didn't pay attention to the people moving the tables back to the cafeteria although I didn't really feel the pain then due to the adrenaline but then again I did feel it shooting up my hipbone but needed to get things done as soon as possible so put it at the back of my mind until friday afternoon when I accidently bang it against something and the pain just started to ache slowly but in flashes of brief, dull pain which didn't go away until awhile later so that I was suffering in silence for awhile as it was a working day although over the weekend I kept forgetting which hip was the bruise was located at and ended up lying on the wrong side when going to sleep and waking up to more dull pain and now it's turned into a strange purple colour about 15 cm in length and 2 cm in width so it's pretty ugly and gruesome to the point that it's unsightly and I hope it does go away soon but maybe it won't but one can only wish and hope that it will as it's pretty scary to look at and the dull ache is hard to get rid off.
hmm... enough whining. inspiration from one of the books that won the nobel litrature prize. think it was a south american writing in spanish. read the english version. the entire book just rattled on and on. notice the fullstop comes towards the end after a really long read? :p
AND as usual, forgot the title and author. anyone?