...Walking out of bustle and hustle at India Street ...Walking to serene quietness and peacefulness ...Of the Old Colonial Courthouse ...Looking at the garden grounds ...Taking shots of the fountains ...Thinking that tree deserves are photo shot ...When I heard a cry ...A marching cry ...Turned around ...Saw an old chinese man walking ...Walking and still crying out ...For unseen comrades in arms ...To defend the nation? Who knows? ...Day in and day out ...He walks through the town area ...What he sees we cannot tell ...Must have been harrowing and frightening ...And yet, he still rallies his men ...With firm strides he walks forward, ever forward ...With that, I walk to Padang Merdeka ...In the midst of all the traffic going around it ...A place of remembrance ...The stage for Merdeka celebrations was up ...For tonight's celebrations ...Marking 40 years of Sarawak independance ...And 46 years of Malaysia independance ...Imagining what it was like ...Through the years of struggle ...Through the frustrations and arguments ...To the glorious day of independance ...And I can still hear the cry of the old man ...Whose mind lives in another time ...Whereas we are here now ...Today, living in freedom ...Thanks to our leaders ...Happy Merdeka Day
Went to Inland Revenue to check my income tax statement. Settled for 2002. Only thing left to settle is 2001. Sigh. Can't believe that the lady mentioned that I have to write a cover letter else they will not follow-up even though we submitted information to them. Still, they move my file from Shah Alam pretty fast so must have been alright.
Liberated at
10:30 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2003
It's always so sad when collegues whom you've worked with for many many years and have learnt many many painful lessons with them start to leave the company for greener pastures. I do with them all the best but I'm going to miss them a lot.
The past 4 years have been interesting, working with them on many things and it was interesting as well. The ups were always motivating and the downs were lessons in patience, learning to pick oneself up and making sure IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. The humiliation was more than enough motivation to go on.
I feel sad to see them leave. So I'm selfish. Can't help it. I like working with them. I like to be able to talk to someone about my problems. I like having someone who knows me talk to me about the problems at work. Now, I have to be able to develop a new relationship with their replacement. Not going to be easy. And it might take a long time. But I guess it has to be done.
Trying hard not to feel upset about it all. After all, it's a great career move for them. They are going on to more challenging jobs. Meet new people. I do wish them all the best. For brighter things.
Well, coming back home today, I find a tremendous change in my room. Last week, an entire window was removed and the hole was bricked up completely. Today, another window has been removed and bricked up as well. Unfortunately, there is now a piece of wood supported it via the door frame that is position next to the recently bricked up hole. So, cannot go outside to the veranda and cannot open the remaining 3 windows until the concrete has dried. Well, going to have the aircon on for the next few days so that's a plus sign. It's been extremely noisy and dusty since renovations started a few weeks back. The carpet floor in this room had to be vacuumed. Hate vacuuming. Wish all of this renovation work will be over soon.
From time to time, the newspaper dailies in Malaysia will publish narrow-minded comments from male chauvinist pigs. I seldom get this angry but this one of those times.
Imagine waking up to such bull as what is reported in the theStar. Although the main story was about a haircut, I'm shocked to hear that ladies were fined (!!!) just for not wearing headscarves at their workplaces. What is wrong with the male generation these days? Even SuaraMalaysia (written by a guy mind you) points out that the opposition party is having problems dealing with their emotions as well as their d**ks. It's not a question of women dressing or behaving properly. It's more of a question of the men in that political party coming to terms with their desire towards women.
Let's see. The main theme is always that the men are purged of any guilt for activites such as rape and abuse. It's all HER fault. She dressed indecently. She tempted me with her eyes. She did it all. How can I stop myself? It's like watching a group of kids pretending to be adults, trying to come out with ways and means to stop their feelings. Women are not the problem here. The problem would be that these little boys have not grown up. They look at a woman and start thinking she is Delilah the temptress. Never mind that they are covered from head to toe, they must also now not wear lipstick. Holding hands is a bit no-no. Why not ask the women to wear a burkah? At the end of the day, it doesn't change a single thing. The men have to come to terms with the fact there are successful women out there who can juggle both a challenging career and run a harmonious household. Can't believe they use this as an excuse as to why men betray their wives. [ Original Malay version ].
The best thing for men like this is to get yourself castrated. Probably then you can stop thinking of sexual desires and start respecting women for what they really are. After all, isn't it the male hormone testoterone making you feel this way? Prevention is better than cure. Yeah, so I'm being sarcastic. So what? These pompous, obnoxious, chauvinitics male version of the homo sapien species deserves it.